AUSiMED is currently not taking applications for research grants
AUSiMED funds projects that meet the criteria described below.
Criteria must be met at a high level. This is not an exhaustive list, and should not be used for self-assessment of projects. It is indicative of the types of projects that AUSiMED considers appropriate to submit to donors.
1. The project must have a well-defined collaboration between Australian and Israeli researchers, with balanced input from both teams. This means that it should combine concepts, data and research expertise from both the Australian and Israeli research teams. Each team should identify a unique expertise from the other team that is needed to advance their collaborative research. For example, using a cohort of patients from one country to test the ideas from the other country would not be sufficient. It is necessary for each team to contribute intellectual input and capabilities to the direction of the project and analysis of results, such that neither team could do the project alone.

2. Key members of the research teams in Israel and Australia must have a track record of collaborating internationally and delivering quality
research outcomes.
3. We are seeking translational research focussing on clinical outcomes associated with the prevention and/or treatment of disease.
4. Intellectual property from both teams must be identified and when combined, should provide an innovative solution to the medical
problem being researched. Access to intellectual property owned by individuals and institutions must be verified before the project can
5. Fundable projects must receive support from peer review of at least two experts in the field.
6. The funded project can be completed within two years.