AUSiMED Israel Short Stays Program
The Israel Short-Stays Program introduces senior Australian bio-medical scientists and university leaders to Israel, its scientists, its research and development and its uniqueness. The purpose of the program is to promote research collaborations that will be beneficial for Australia and Israel.
Thanks to a grant from the Besen Family Foundation, AUSiMED facilitated Israel Short-stay visits for senior medical academics from three Victorian universities in 2019. An individualised itinerary of professional meetings was arranged for each Australian program participant. They met with research leaders, top commercialisation and innovation companies, and medical technology start-ups. This program has facilitated the exploration of new international partnerships. The 2019 participants were:

Professor Sally MacArthur
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and CSIRO Research + Science Leader, Manufacturing, Swinburne University.

Professor Christina Mitchell
Dean of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University.

Professor Craig Patch
Professor of Dietetics & Human Nutrition, La Trobe University.