AUSiMED is delighted to be supporting a game-changing 2-year international research collaboration between Dr Alex Combes (Monash University) and Dr Oded Volovelsky (Hadassah Medical Centre) who are seeking to unlock the mysteries of kidney disease by focusing on premature babies.
Dr Volvelsky’s lab has developed novel Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) mouse model systems and provides clinical expertise. Dr Combes lab contributes cutting-edge technology and expertise in advanced imaging and single cell gene expression profile.
Combining their expertise, they will:
• identify how nephron formation is interrupted by premature birth; and
• test interventions in pregnancy and at birth, which may protect the developing kidney from the effects of prematurity later in life.
The researchers


Dr Oded Volovelsky, Hadassah Medical Center
The potential outcomes
This research collaboration has the potential to:
• Reduce the likelihood of premature babies developing CKD during adulthood;
• Motivate increased monitoring of kidney function in individuals born prematurely;
• Create huge savings for the Australian health system.